The Viability of the Value Premium (Multi-Part Series)  

June 16, 2019

This multi-part series segments the full-length 1,765-word report on the viability of the value premium into five shorter, quick-read pieces. It covers the origins of the value premium, historical precedents, additional evidence that the value premium likely remains viable, and the role global diversification plays in managing risks and expected returns. The five parts are bundled into a single zip file for simplified download.

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The Viability of the Value Premium (Full Report Version)  

June 16, 2019

This 1,765-word document addresses investor concerns that the value premium may be "dead," since value stocks have underperformed growth stocks for approximately the past decade. It covers the origins of the value premium, historical precedents, additional evidence that the value premium likely remains viable, and the role global diversification plays in managing risks and expected returns.

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